Monday, January 31, 2011

The Gift

"With great power comes great responsibility." -Ben Parker (Uncle Ben) from Spider-man

Who does this apply to exactly, does it apply to those who already have great power, power that is exalted above others?  Maybe it applies to those who have a lesser power but have the capability to let this power grow into something magnificent.  But think about the exact definition of power, what is it exactly?  Is it the capability to extraordinary things, to control the four elements, or is there another form of power, a power that does not require a cape or a mask.  
Power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.

Can power also be considered as a gift or talent?  I believe so, I believe that with this power that we can use it to influence others, for the better.  Now the question changes, what is a gift and talent?  Some believe that they are the same thing and they are partially right.  But a gift, a gift is something that has been given to you by Heavenly Father.  A talent is something that can be developed.  A talent that I have and am very grateful for is having the ability to play any type of sport and do well at it.  But a gift that I am truly grateful for is the gift of words, being able to be creative with words in writing which would also lead to my other gift of writing.  I've always been grateful for having the ability to write, to put myself in my writing.  

It is never vain in any way or form to recognize your gifts and talents.  In fact if you don't recognize your gifts or talents then you're not using them properly.  Heavenly Father gave me the gift of writing or a reason and I know I am to use it to help others.  

Recognize your gifts and talents, make them stronger.  Never think of a gift or talent being small because even the smallest gift, the smallest talent, can touch the lives of those around you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Pebble

A couple of years ago when I was in the eleventh grade, we were assigned to read the book "Fahrenheit 451" which I have to admit I'm not a fan of because I could never get interested in the book, don't ask why.  But at the end of the novel just like every novel that you read in class we were assigned to write a paper on what we had read.  So that I did, and I have to say what I wrote really applies to the everyday life and world around us.  So I've decided to share some of it on my blog.

"Does this world thrive for exposing others like plants that thirst for water deep in it's roots, or does it exist for the entertainment of such a depressing bitter world?  The very essence of this culture has spread like a pebble that has been dropped into a pond.  The ripples that form from that very pebble can create ripples that stretch for any distance.  Should we catch that pebble before the ripple spreads, should we leave it be to effect the things to come?  That pebble, who is to catch it, should we sacrifice our own existence to catch the pebble?  If no one catches the pebble then let the pebble be the beginning of waves that consume anything and everything in it's path.

This world we believe has in someway been created for us to grow, to become the greatest we can be.  Is it possible to be the greatest with assistance?  It may not be possible, it may be possible that is up for us to decide.  What if all was created so that only one person can be all power?  There is a path ahead that someone is going to walk down.  What is no known about this path is that there is a beerier, the only way to get through is to tear it down and to tear it down completely to where all is left is dust that shall be blown into the darkness.  Bring it down, once that's done, keep walking forward, till the end."

This makes me think a lot of things that I need to tear down that has been placed in my path by either myself or by someone else.  I know that with all the power that I possess that I can be greatness if I put forth my greatest effort.  I believe that and I intend to do that, all it takes is courage.  Whenever I hear the word courage it always gives me a wake up call almost.  I sit there and think about the word courage and what it means to each person because courage is held at different standards in the heart of other individuals.  Maybe that's what it is, courage is the strength of the heart to how far and how long something can be endured or overcoming something that is overbearing that places fear inside of the heart.  Fear and Courage battling against each other, but it is up to us to decide which one shall win inside of our hearts because we become the "War Lords" if you will.  Courage is greatness in and of itself but we must decide which one is to consume us.  It always takes courage to catch the pebble.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


There's one thing that I've realized growing up in my family and it didn't seem like a big deal to me because I never put any thought towards it but I wound up creating my opinions of this world and of people around me through the eyes of my family.  I'm not saying that their opinions or views are negative in any way just sometimes through my eyes they appear to be that way.

So the one thing that I've aimed on working at is creating my own opinion of the world around me and what's in the world.  For example let's say this person thought of this individual as this because of some internal issues or maybe an experience with that person so they inflict their views on me which made me think of this individual in a certain way.  But just the other day I decided to e-mail this person to seek some advice and assistance because I hit the grand canyon almost didn't know how to get to the other side.

The response that I got from this person really opened my eyes of how smart they are and how helpful they can be.  And right then and there I knew that from now on I have to make my own opinions of things and people and to see them through my eyes instead of others around me.  I'm thankful for this person to be in my life and I'm glad that I've finally realized that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


John Steinbeck once wrote that "man, unlike anything organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments."

One does not simply enter into this world and have no destiny ahead of him, no light or path to follow, no person's footsteps to trace, no future ahead of them.  We are the caretakers of our lives, of our futures.  It is simply up to us to determine whether or not to exceed our expectations or to diminish in the shadows of them.  When one pass to the next life one shouldn't die in the shadows of what he could've been or what he was at a moment of his life.  

To emerge ahead of our accomplishments means to simply be greatness, be better than your foe, be great in all that you do so that you can emerge ahead of the goals which you have set in this life and don't fall short.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures."