Monday, March 26, 2012

Making it to the Top

 Don't leave your camera alone in the presence of Sisters!
 Lunch time!
 Look at him gourge
 I think I was chewing?
 No Comment
 Our backyard :)
 Our daily view
 I call it my President Roth tie.
 Language study at its finest.
 We found some random plus sign at the top of the mountain one day.
 The daily morning workout.
 The attempt of trying to get to point B.
 That's normal haha.
 Our skii-lift trip to the top.
 Sliven in the distance.
 What's up Sisters!!!
 The fall never hurts, it's just the stop at the bottom.
 This is the 150ft drop part.
 Elder Olmstead, do something!!
 Where's my comp?
 Sister Farnsworth is too powerful for Bulgaria, just so we know.

 Post Up!!
 And again
 ........................ Commi torture chamber?
 My backyard
Little Sliven at the bottom there.  :)

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